To get you in the mood for putting the willies up each other …
Drunk On The Moon by Tom Waits
It started with a song. Tom Waits’ Drunk On The Moon, to be precise. A neon soaked torch song with more than a twist of noir. A song of the city at night, sung by a man who sounded like a wolf – and not just Howlin’ Wolf. And once upon a time, there was a magazine who were looking for cross genre short stories. So, I wrote a yarn about a werewolf private eye. And I called it Drunk On The Moon.
One of the regular cast of the Roman Dalton world is Duffy, bar owner and Mel Torme fan. This ‘suicide song’ is a regular on the jukebox in Duffy’s Bar.
I Ain’t Superstitious by Howlin Wolf.
The first song on the Wurlitzer jukebox in Duffy’s Bar when Roman Dalton – werewolf private eye- walks into the bar.
Sometimes a You Tube recommendation is good. And sometimes, it’s so good you have to use its title for one of your yarns.
Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Bad Moon Rising has probably used in dozens of werewolf books and films. Not that would stop me using it for one of my yarns!
Check out The Neon Boneyard for more tunes from the jukebox in Duffy’s Bar (99p/ 99c).